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  • Home Facial Massage for younger skin

    Having been in the Beauty Profession for 32 years I have a wealth of knowledge to share with women to maintain a youthful completion.

    MY IDEA of massaging my face every night for 5 minutes over 21 days to see if there is a VISIBLE difference.

    When we make facial expressions, we’re essentially transmitting a packet of information that can be received, read and interpreted by others. By contracting or expanding our facial muscles in different degrees and combinations, we can produce thousands of different messages that provide cues to our overall emotional state, our short-term feelings about our immediate environment, our mental well-being, our personality and mood, our physical health, our creditability and whether or not we view others as being creditable.

    The smile — transmitted either consciously or subconsciously — is viewed across cultures as a sign of friendliness, especially when greeting someone. Frowns, too, are generally recognized as indicating sadness or disapproval.

    There are 43 muscles in the face, most of which are controlled by the seventh cranial nerve (also known as the facial nerve). This nerve exits the cerebral cortex and emerges from your skull just in front of your ears. It then splits into five primary branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical. These branches reach different areas of the face and enervate muscles that allow the face to twist and contort into a variety of expressions.

    However, nobody has really come up with a definitive number for how many muscles it takes to smile or frown — one person’s smile is another person’s smirk. Also, not everyone has the same number of facial muscles; some have more, enabling a wider range of expression, while some people actually have 40 percent fewer.

    The truth is that people smile — and frown — differently, even when presented with similar stimuli. There is an even wider range of variety when one begins using different expressive muscles for the eyes, mouth, nose and forehead.

    When we go to the GYM we give our muscles a work out to tear the muscle to tighten and firm different muscles of the body.

    With the face the elastin and collagen in the dermal layer (middle) cannot be replace, though with MASSAGE STIMLATION we can assist the muscles to plump up and rebuild. This sounds to me that we can maintain our youthful skin if we start to massage for 5 minutes in our early 30’s.

    It is never too late to start, I am 53 years old and look forward to seeing the results in 21 day. I will be starting today the 1st October 2013.

    In this picture you can see that we also stimulate the organ’s when we massage the face.

    Picture of the facial pressure points.

    Picture of the facial pressure points.





  • Organic Skincare Verses Chemical Based Products

    Women today are so confused when they go to buy skincare products. There is so many products available today at beauty salon, departments stores & online.  What is best, the one advertised on TV by a well known celebrate or shopping centre X Brand or do we go Natural & Organic will it give RESULTS??

    Are the products you use tested on animals (if you saw the pictures of trauma these animals go through you would STOP using those products).

    Our skin is the largest living organ of our body, do you want harsh chemical applied to your skin??

    Do you want these chemicals on your skin?

    • Artificial Preservatives
    • Parabens
    • Sodium Laureth Sulfate
    • Sodium Lauryl
    • Propylene Gylcol
    • Aluminum
    • Animal Derived Ingredients
    • Synthetic Colours
    • Chemical Fragrances
    • Petrochemicals

    Door of Youth Skin Care believes in Natural & Organic look at the benefits


    • Aloe Vera – rejuvenates the skin cells up to 8 times
    • Grapefruit Extracts – natural fragrance
    • Vitamin A – reduces wrinkles
    • Vitamin E – natural antioxidant
    • AHA or Glycolic Acid – derived from sugar cane
    • Lavender – healing & fragrance
    • Zinc Oxide – healing of skin wounds & firming skin tone

    Your facial skin is made up of three layers the epidermis (what we see), dermis (the middle layer) and subcutaneous layer (the third layer). Your skin, due to shedding of skin cells, replaces itself every 7 years. Actually, your skin sheds every 28-45 days, rejuvenating the epidermis and allowing the next generation of skin cells to come forward. What happens is we get a BUILD UP of DEAD SKIN CELLS this will make your skin look tired, uneven tone & fine wrinkles may appear. With young skin types they get blocked pores that forms pimples and scar tissue.

    We shed about 40 lbs of skin in a lifetime! The dead skin needs to be slough off to allow the new cells to the top.

    Glycolic Acid – Naturally sourced from bilberries, citrus fruits and sugar and containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). Glycolic Acid, which is made from sugar cane, has the smallest molecule of all the Alpha Hydroxy Acids which gives it the best permeability of all the AHA’s. It is also used as a vehicle for ingredients with larger molecules for better penetration. AHA Acids have caused a sensation recently as anti-wrinkle active ingredients. They loosen the intercellular ‘glue’, allowing new cells to come through more rapidly and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. The visible effect is a skin which looks fresher and younger. AHA acids help remove the surface skin cells, improving skin texture and color.  Skin is left feeling plump and glowing as the new skin layers are revealed. A cocktail of malic, tartaric and glycolic acid “skin rejuvenators”. The AHA acids directly counteract one of the main causes of wrinkles and dry skin: excessively thickened, hard skin as results from a slow regeneration process. The acids loosen the intercellular “glue” that holds the dead cells to the surface, allowing these to be shed more quickly and clearing the way for the growth of new cells. The skin appears fresher and smoother. Additionally, the skin is cleared of smaller irregularities or impurities – an effect welcomed by many women, especially at critical times of the month.

    Door of Youth uses natural Glycolic derived from sugar cane in a simple and highly effective daily skin care program. Glycolic is a natural substance found in basic foods plants and the human body.

    Despite its modern chemical name, the beneficial effects of AHA have been used for centuries. Cleopatra use to have her legendary milk baths and tales of woman using red wine baths to keep their skin youthful. Door of Youth NATURAL & ORGANIC SKIN CARE RICH in Glycolic as this is recognized as a key ingredient for addressing fine lines, wrinkles, open pores, acne, dryness, scar tissue, pigmentation and many other skin issues.