8 Ways to UPLIFT YOURSELF in 2018.

The simple things in life can make a HUGE difference in our mind and mood for the day. We are creatures of habit and here are 8 tips on how to UPLIFT yourself in 2018. Try it, I do all of these and it has made my life more enjoyable everyday.

  1. Buy RED Garments.

Wear red underwear! Increase your energy levels by wearing RED this is according to University of Rochester researchers. The colour makes you creative, more alert and encourages muscles to move faster.

  1. Play Classical Music when eating

What to move a few kilos off the scales? Turn off the TV at meal time and turn on the classical music, soft and slow background music. Australian Music Therapy Association treasure Jeanette Tamplin says the research is to believed “Music, particularly rhythm and tempo, can influence behaviour and physiological function”.

  1. Organise your office

Organise your office and place your desk near the window, give yourself the best view, place some colourful flowers outside to brighten your day. Touch paperwork once, open the letter, pay the account, print receipt and file. All in once action saves time.

  1. Clear small debts.

Feeling stressed by debt? Take steps to pay the smallest debt first then work on the others. Pay more than the minimum amount and when you get offered more credit cards say NO. Budget all your outgoings for the year, divide by 52 weeks and save this into a hidden bank account so the $$$ are there when needed.

  1. Start your day with motivation video or music.

The first 20 minutes of your day what you hear sets your mood for the day!Turn on You Tube and listen to a motivation video or music to pump you up for the day. NO TV, try it for 7 days and see how your mind and spirit will be uplifted.

  1. Daily Journal

Buy an empty book with a beautiful cover that makes you smile and start a daily journal. Take 10 or 20 minutes in the morning to write how you are feeling, your intentions for the day and then 20 minutes in the evening how your day went. This assist in lowering stress levels and releases the tension from the day. Also great to read your journal at the end of the year, see your achievements and growth.

  1. Move your BUTT – Exercise

Discover some form of exercise that excites your and do it daily. Keep the body moving will keep it young. Yoga, swimming, gym, walking, tennis, golf, not sure what you like? Try a few and see what makes you jump out of bed with ease. The morning is the best time to exercise gets the endorphins happening, fabulous way to start the day!

  1. Live in the moment

Don’t let life fly by in a blur, learn to live in the present moment, today and enjoy what is happening around you. Become a listener when people are talking to you, don’t interrupt until they have finished speaking. Observe people, look around and see others enjoying their day. Breathe in the beauty that surrounds us!

Share with me what steps your will turn into ACTION!

Until next time

Stay Youthful

Debbie Majella x