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    Natural Skincare

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  • Bathroom products are they killing you?

    Natural Organic Skincare Verses Chemical Based Products

    I used 15 products just this morning and I didn’t even put on any make-up! By the time I showered, used my body wash, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner and face wash – I was absolutely covered with sweet smelling, germ-killing, skin-softening chemicals – four to be exact. And, really, that was just the beginning! I got out of the shower, wiped some toner across my face and put some cream over a sneaky zit that I could just tell was itching to escape.

    I slathered my legs with lotion, moisturized my face (SPF 15!), and de-frizzed my curls (that’s 3 products there!). I, then, wiped on my favourite deodorant, brushed my teeth, put on some chap stick and BAM! Just like that I was 15 cosmetics deep into my chemical-filled day!

    Women today are so confused when they go to buy skincare products. There is so many products available today at beauty salon, departments stores & online.

    What is best, the one advertised on TV by a well known celebrate or shopping centre X Brand or do we go Natural & Organic will it give RESULTS?? Are the products you use tested on animals (if you saw the pictures of trauma these animals go through you would STOP using those products) more information at end of blog.

    Our skin is the largest living organ of our body, do you want harsh TOXIC chemical products applied to your skin every day?

    Do you want these chemicals on your skin?

     Artificial Preservatives
     Parabens
     Sodium Laureth Sulfate
     Sodium Lauryl
     Propylene Gylcol
     Aluminum
     Animal Derived Ingredients
     Synthetic Colours
     Chemical Fragrances
     Petrochemicals

    Door of Youth Skin Care believes in Natural & Organic

     Aloe Vera – rejuvenates the skin cells up to 8 times
     Grapefruit Extracts – natural fragrance
     Vitamin A – reduces wrinkles
     Vitamin E – natural antioxidant
     Glycolic Acid – derived from sugar cane
     Lavender – healing & fragrance

    Is is TIME to Clean out your Bathroom throw out all those chemical toxic skin, body and hair care products.

  • Health benefits of magnesium.


    • Improves sleep quality.
    • Calms overactive nerves, relieves stress.
    • Boosts energy level.
    • Strengthens immune system.
    • Hydrates and strengthens skin.
    • Helps proper muscle function.
    • Relieves aches, pains, spasms.
    • Improves bone strength, and protects from loss of bone (osteoporosis).
    • Required for protection and recovery from arthritis.
    • Important for recovery from many other degenerative diseases
    • It is an essential alkaline mineral for detoxification.

    So, what are some of the ways that magnesium can enhance our physical beauty? Most people know that magnesium is very important in the absorption of calcium.Magnesium plays a significant role in bone health and maintenance as well as making the teeth harder, stronger, and whiter. Magnesium slows down the aging process in the skin because magnesium stabilizes DNA and RNA which are both negatively charged and are attracted to the positively charged magnesium. Magnesium is also needed for hair to grow properly because chronic stress can cause hair to fall out as a result of unstable blood sugar, chronic inflammation, not eating properly or getting enough sleep.

    Magnesium is a very misunderstood mineral and the majority of people are unknowingly deficient in this mineral. In recent years, many people have begun to understand the health benefits of getting enough Vitamin D and so they have been wisely optimizing their intake of Vitamin D. However, because of an underlying magnesium deficiency, many of these same people experience undesirable side effects and believe the extra Vitamin D is the cause.

    Eat Your Greens! – Magnesium & Diet


    Since magnesium is so important for our beauty and our health, how do we ensure that we are getting enough of this mineral? Maybe, you are not aware magnesium is found at the center of the chlorophyll molecule because the capture of light energy from the sun is very dependent upon this mineral. Therefore, dark green, leafy vegetables, which are colored by chlorophyll, should be considered to be excellent sources of magnesium. Spinach is one of these green vegetables that provide us with a powerful source of magnesium. Seaweed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are also good healthy sources of magnesium. However, whenever we cook or boil these foods, there will be a significant magnesium loss which is why the magnesium content of most refined foods is very low. So eating raw is the way to go!

    David Wolfe says in his book Eating for Beauty , “The beauty of our hair, skin, and nails depends on how mineralized we are.”  So why don’t you have yourself a yummy green spinach smoothie  for breakfast, along with a salad with plenty of green leafy veggies for lunch tomorrow, and turn on the “lamp of life” so your beauty will shine as your body reflects the powerful benefits of magnesium!

    By including magnesium in your diet every day, your beauty will be radiantly magnified!

    Until next blog, Stay Youthful

    Ciao for now

    Debbie Majella  – Door of Youth Skincare

  • Taylor has been a fan for 3 years and shares here why!

    Hi, I have been using Door of Youth Skincare for 3 years and love it. Natural, organic and vegan, I am 22 years old and my mum also used the product and she is 60 years young. Want an affordable skincare range with FREE Delivery to your front door? Then join me and become a fan!


  • Beauty Without Chemicals

    Beauty without Chemicals. Introducing our video series we will be sharing when our new mobile friendly website is launched soon. Do you know what is in the skincare you use twice a day on your skin. It is full of nasty chemicals that cause cancer and illness. In the video I share about nasty LEAD and parbens in skincare.

    Join our community to receive special offers.

  • Smooth skin great canvas for make-up

    It is vital to have smooth skin when applying make-up. We get a build up of dead skin cells every month and when applying foundation or tinted moisturiser the skin feels dry and the canvas looks dull.
    Glycolic Acids have caused a sensation recently as anti-wrinkle active ingredients, glycolilc can loosen the intercellular ‘glue’, allowing new cells to come through more rapidly and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin.

    Glycolic acids help remove the surface skin cells, improving skin texture and color. Skin is left feeling plump and glowing as the new skin layers are revealed.
    One of the key ingredients is “Glycolic derived from sugar cane”. The Foaming Cleanser is 5%, sugar cane is the natural source for glycolic.

    If you want a smooth looking skin use a product that is made from sugar cane, this has the smallest molecule of all the glycolic acids, there is also fruit and milk derived glycolic.

    Now it the time to enter Door of Youth the natural way to maintain or regain your youthful looks. The visible effect is a skin which looks fresher and younger within days.

    View details on Shop Now page: FREE postage PLUS Mother’s Day special save $60.00 on Deluxe Skincare pack.

  • Foaming Cleanser and the benefits

  • Sugarcane the key to younger skin

    The Secret to Youthful skin is found in sugarcane.

    As we age our skin starts to look dull, firmness disappears, the youthful glow is diminishing. Why does this happen and how can we look fabulous in our 30’s, 40’s and 50’s?

    No need for expensive salon treatments find a skincare range high in Glycolic derived from sugarcane.

    Glycolic Acids have caused a sensation recently as anti-wrinkle active ingredients. They loosen the intercellular ‘glue’, allowing new cells to come through more rapidly and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. The visible effect is a skin which looks fresher and younger. Glycolic acids help remove the surface skin cells, improving skin texture and colour. Skin is left feeling plump and glowing as the new skin layers are revealed.

    Despite its modern chemical name, the beneficial effects of Glycolic acids have been used for centuries. Cleopatra use to have her legendary milk baths and tales of woman using red wine baths to keep their skin youthful.
    Our facial skin is made up of three layers the epidermis (what we see), dermis (the middle layer) and subcutaneous layer (the third layer). Our skin, due to shedding of skin cells, replaces itself every 7 years. Your skin sheds every 28-45 days, rejuvenating the epidermis and allowing the next generation of skin cells to come forward. We shed about 40 lbs of skin in a lifetime! The dead skin needs to be slough off to allow the new cells to the top.
    What happens is we get a BUILD UP of DEAD SKIN CELLS this will make our skin look tired, uneven tone and fine wrinkles may appear. With young skin types they get blocked pores that forms pimples and scar tissue.
    When buying a Glycolic skincare product check the levels of ACTIVE ingredient. If the percentage of glycolic is not on the label don’t waste your money.

    Door of Youth Skincare is RICH in Glycolic. The Foaming Cleanser is 5% AHA, Skin Renewal Serum 12.5 % and Enrich Day Cream with Hyaluronic Acid gives a younger glow and tone to skin.

    Written By
    Debbie Majella Nolan

  • Gentlemen’s Grooming

    PARKER FOR MEN has launched there ‘Gentlemen’s Grooming” products.

    PARKER FOR MEN provides quality products infused with CEDARWOOD giving it our unique and distinctive fresh woody aroma. Our ingredients are 100% natural, organic, vegan and of course chemical free. This makes PARKER FOR MEN’s products unique in the Australian Market. Key Ingredients include: Cedarwood Oil, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Citrus Oil, Aloe Vera, Bladderwrack Extract and Sugarcane. PARKER FOR MEN does NOT test on animals.

    There are two packs and individual items for purchase. Do your Christmas Shopping on you seat not your feet. The packs comes in a black carry bag, go to the SHOP NOW page.

    Beard Oil Pack

  • How to get whiter teeth with coconut oil

    The latest teeth-whitening trend being embraced by Hollywood’s A-list – including Lauren Conrad, Shailene Woodley, and Gwyneth Paltrow – is called oil pulling. How strange does this sound? Many of my friends have done it and they are raving about the benefits.

    Woman teeth

    What is oil pulling?

    Oil pulling is a method of putting a tablespoon of cold-pressed coconut oil in your mouth and swishing it around for 15 to 20 minutes while pushing and pulling the oil between your teeth. You then spit the oil into the bin (not the sink or toilet as it can clog) and brush your teeth as normal.

    What are the benefits?

    Oil pulling works to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth, reduce plaque and gingivitis, improve bad breath, whiten teeth, and make teeth appear more shiny and healthy-looking.

    Does it work?

    Well give it a go for 2 weeks and let us know if it works for you.

  • Want younger looking skin in 21 days?

    Sugar cane is the natural source for glycolic. If you want a smooth looking skin use a product that is made from sugar cane, this has the smallest molecule of all the glycolic acids, there is also fruit and milk.


    Glycolic Acids have caused a sensation recently as anti-wrinkle active ingredients, glycolilc can loosen the intercellular ‘glue’, allowing new cells to come through more rapidly and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. Glycolic acids help remove the surface skin cells, improving skin texture and color. Skin is left feeling plump and glowing as the new skin layers are revealed.

    The visible effect is a skin which looks fresher and younger.

    As we age our skin starts to look dull, firmness disappears, the youthful glow is diminishing. How can we maintain our youthful looking skin or reverse the signs of aging? Start using a Glycolic rich skincare product today.

    Our facial skin is made up of three layers the epidermis (what we see), dermis (the middle layer) and subcutaneous layer (the third layer). Our skin, due to shedding of skin cells, replaces itself every 7 years. Your skin sheds every 28-45 days, rejuvenating the epidermis and allowing the next generation of skin cells to come forward. What happens is we get a BUILD UP of DEAD SKIN CELLS this will make our skin look tired, uneven tone & fine wrinkles may appear. With young skin types they get blocked pores that forms pimples and scar tissue.

    When buying a Glycolic skincare product check the levels of ACTIVE ingredient. If the percentage of glycolic is not on the label don’t waste your money.

    Door of Youth Skincare is RICH in Glycolic. The Foaming Cleanser is 5% Glycolic, Skin Renewal Serum 12.5% Glycolic and Revisiting Moisturizer rich in ingredients from mother nature to deliver more tone to the skin.

    Door of Youth skincare is affordable from $39.95 to $45 for individual products. Buy a trio or deluxe pack save up to $40 and free delivery.