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  • WHAT DO WOMEN WANT when it comes to skincare & beauty services?

    Having been in the beauty profession spanning 38 years I have seen so much change and advancement in Dermal Therapy Treatment. When I attained my beauty diploma back in 1981 at a young age of 21, there was not the high tech machines for skin rejuvenation or microdermabrasion. We used a steamer and your hands to cleanse and massage the muscles of the face. I remember learning “firmo lift” this is a 20 minute massage that is part the signature facial on offer today at Door of Youth Skin Clinic.

    How did I get into this AMAZING profession??

    When I was a teenager I had pimples all over my face, for some reason the researcher in me went to the library (YES no internet back then) and started making facial masks in my mums kitchen with wheat germ, honey and egg white. The wheat germ was to draw out the pimples, honey to soften scar tissue and egg white held it all together and firmed the skin!!

    You can see why in 2007 I launched a Skin Care Range of products. I started with 3 products and today 12 years on Door of Youth Skincare has 5 skincare products and 3 vitamin serums.

    In 2019 there seems to be a BEAUTY CLINIC on each corner, all offering the same to draw clients in.

    There is also a war of pricing, and I wonder is it the cheap PRICES what WOMEN want when it comes to their SKIN or the years of experience the Beauty Therapist has??

    My PASSION is keeping the SKIN and Body Youthful with a NON TOXIC Lifestyle, this starts with Natural Organic Skincare and Dermal Therapy Facial Treatments.

    Today I want to share with you the benefits of SKIN NEEDLING!

    Skin Needling  

    Studded Pen Cartridge

    Is an advanced dermal treatment that is used to stimulate fast collagen production and renewal, resulting in smoother and more youthful looking skin. Skin Needling is the perfect treatment for treating fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, skin texture and an overall rejuvenation of the skin.

    The procedure involves the use of an automated pen studded with microneedles as small as 0.1mm in diameter. It creates numerous micro-punctures through the skin with minimal damage to the upper epidermal layer, but microscopic injury to the deeper dermal layer. The injury and minor bleeding trigger a “wound-healing” cascade in the skin. This results in increased collagen and elastin (elastic fibers) production and some degree of repair.

    Benefits: – Reduces fine lines, treats dull skin, enlarged pores, loss of elastin, nasio-labial lines and smokers lines.  Skin needling is very safe and heals quickly while preserving the epidermis.

    Dermal Pen

    I recommend a microdermabrasion 5 days before to buff the dead skin cells off before we commence the skin needling treatment.

    RESULTS when will they be seen? Depending on the age or client and skin condition the next day the skin will be look different. It takes up to 28 days for the rejuvenating, healing process. Then we do the treatment again to achieve the ultimate results!!

    For the optimum results 4 treatments are required 4 to 6 weeks apart.

    A QUESTION many women ask me is ‘HAVE YOU HAD BOTOX’ No I haven’t had Botox. How I have maintained my skin over the past 10 years is with Skin Needling / IPL Skin Rejuvenation plus microdermabrasions.

    I invest into my skin and PAY to have my dermal treatments done at clinic at Southport. LIKE many ladies on a BUDGET, I pay for 4 treatments upfront for a discount!!

    Time to BOOK your SKIN NEEDLING!!

    Gold Coast Ladies mention this blog and receive a 10 % discount & a FREE Vitamin Serum that is right for your skin!!

    Call Debbie  0404 528 923 or book your appointment online




    Love the skin you are in, as it is going to represent you for a lifetime.

    Do you look in the mirror and criticise how you look, wish your skin was younger, clearer, smoother and see all the imperfections? We all do this every morning & evening yet what do we do to IMPROVE or CHANGE our imperfections?

    In 2019 this is the time to look after YOU, WOMAN is always doing for others and they are last in line. Make the time for the bubble bath, read that book, walk on the beach or park, coffee with your best girlfriend.


    Every day take the time to MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SKIN….. sounds divine. Lavish the skin with natural organic skincare,  your hands cleansing and nourishing massaging the days negative emotions away.

    Feed the skin with VITAMIN SERUMS, feel the skin soak up the goodness and feel the love.

    YOUR skin will feel so smooth in the morning and when you look in the mirror YOU will see the love you gave to yourself!




  • Australian Made Natural skincare range Door Of Youth MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SKIN…..

    SELF- LOVE – RESPECT are essential for a health happy life. Then why is it that so many woman SELF – LOVE – RESPECT tanks are EMPTY??

    I was a single mum from when my son was 6 months old, he is now 28 years young. Was life tough at times hell yes, did I go without for my son, sure did. BUT there was one thing I always did back then and do today.
    LOVE MY SKIN AND NUTURE, NOURISH IT EVERY NIGHT………Also in the morning too.

    Here in 2018 with 37 years’ experience in the beauty profession. Every day I hear WOMAN say, “I don’t have time for me” when are you going to change this and take the time to make the time to “MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SKIN”

    SELF-LOVE 💛 you deserve to take 3 or 5 mins to MAKE LOVE to your skin. Your skin will be with you for a long time, so give it some loving!

    Does this sound like you?
    My days are hectic, working, running the house, being a taxi for the kids, so much to do that when night time arrives and time for bed. I say to myself “why bother cleansing my skin”.

    Let me share a short story.
    I decided to have AN AFFAIR as I was in a marriage of emptiness, stopped caring for myself, gained weight and thought who really cares? It was January 2014 MY AFFAIR started and it took a while for me to wake up and realised that I had to TAKE THE TIME TO MAKE THE TIME to nurture me if I wanted this AFFAIR to last.

    Here we are 4+ years on and I have lost weight, look the best I every have and now 58 years young. Eat healthy (most days) go to gym 3 to 4 times a week and walk my puppy Mr Benji twice a day for 45 minutes.
    Oh and the person I have been having AN AFFAIR with is MYSELF, Self-love – Respect for me.

    Why share this with you? When we fly in aeroplanes they say attach your OXYGEN MASK before you assist other.

    Woman reading this take up the challenge and for the next 21 days every night MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SKIN. Oh and use natural organic skincare as you are feeding your skin!

    What our customers love about Door of Youth skincare is it is so simple to use. We have WOMAN all over Australia that have been using our products for 10 years.

    Night Routine: Foaming Cleanser, Hydrating Mist, Eye Cream, Vitamin AB Night Serum & drop of Repair Night Oil. Your skin will glow in the morning.

    Go on YOU DESERVE to have YOUTHFUL GLOWING SKIN every morning.

  • The Health Benefits of Turmeric.

    The Health Benefits of  Turmeric.


    The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye. The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.





    4 cups of filtered or sparkling water

    2 tablespoons of freshly created or powered turmeric

    4 tablespoons of 100% maple syrup or honey

    Juice of 1 ½ lemon or lime

    Juice of 1 blood orange (optional)

    Mix all ingredients into a glass jug, stir well, serve with a slice of lemon or lime!

    Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:

    1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
    2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
    3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
    4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
    5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
    6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
    7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
    8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
    9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
    10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
    11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
    12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
    13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
    14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
    16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
    17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
    18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
    19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
    20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

    How to add Turmeric to your daily meals.

    This winter when you are wanting a warm drink, lean towards a Power drink is Instant Miso Soup with ½ teaspoon of Turmeric and cayenne pepper.

    Turmeric you can add to your casseroles before you serve them.

    Make a homemade mayonnaise with avocado, greek yoghurt and turmeric.

    Potato mash and potato salad give it a lift and add turmeric.

     Turmeric in rice salads and salad dressing.

    Be creative and use turmeric every day in your meal plans.

    Written By

    Debbie Majella Nolan

  • Australian Made Natural skincare range Door Of Youth The Benefits of Skin Needling for YOUTHFUL SKIN!

    What Does Dermapen /Skin Needling do for the skin?

    Unlike any other treatment before it, Dermapen/skin needling has been designed to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, deep creases, and various types of scarring, including acne scarring. A micro-needling technique both corrects damage and boosts the skin’s production of collagen and elastin. Basically, Dermapen/ skin needling encourages the skin to naturally heal itself, leaving behind the youthful and refreshed appearance every patient wants.

    Micro needling involves the use of small needles that puncture the skin in order to stimulate wound healing. The idea of damaging the skin to renew it has been around for decades, used in other ways by various skin treatments. Yet, micro needling has been proven to be a safer and increasingly efficient way to generate real results for healthy and smooth skin. The refined techniques involved with Dermapen treatments make this alternative more and more popular among patients.

    Start with a FREE Consultation with Debbie Majella 10 years’ experience as dermal therapist and founder of Door of Youth Skincare Call 0404 528 923

    What Are the Major Benefits of Skin Needling?

    While the Dermapen begins its work with controlled damage to the skin, that’s not where this treatment stops. While tiny spring-loaded needle tips vibrate against the device, applying light punctures along the treatment area, they are stimulating the healing process and ensuring that the top layer of skin cells will turnover for healthier-looking results. Once the healing has been activated by Dermapen, the final results will begin to take shape. After four to six treatments, your skin will be tightened and rejuvenated, stretch marks will be eliminated, large pores will be decreased in size, various types of scars will improve in appearance, and the signs of alopecia may be minimized.

    Before Left / After Right on 60 year old woman.

    What Is the Skin Needling Procedure Like?

    Dermapen treatments begin with the cleaning and the anesthetization of the treatment area, usually with a topical cream. The Dermapen applicator is then placed against the skin and a qualified therapist will make a stamp-like motion along all of the areas to be treated. This process takes only a few minutes to complete and should not cause any significant discomfort. Afterwards, most patients experience redness and tightness for about one to three days. Home care is vital following your treatment, as well as any other precautionary measures that should be taken to keep your skin healthy and healing.

    Who Is a Candidate for Skin Needling?

    Dermapen is a safe, effective procedure for patients who have been experiencing troubles with their skin, such as scarring, enlarged pores, and the early signs of aging. The procedure itself is only mildly invasive and not a significant surgery to recover from, so many patients can be safely eligible for Dermapen. On the other hand, prospective patients who are pregnant or who have an active skin infection will likely be asked to postpone their Dermapen treatments. The best way to assess your eligibility is to consult with a licensed aesthetician, who can review your unique situation and advise a course of treatment to resolve your individual concerns.

    Start with a FREE Consultation with Debbie Majella 10 years’ experience as dermal therapist and founder of Door of Youth Skincare Call 0404 528 923

  • Australian Made Natural skincare range Door Of Youth MY STORY of starting a SKINCARE Company in 2006.

    Why I started a Skincare Company in 2006.

    As a young 21 year old woman in 1981 doing a diploma in beauty therapy my life was mapped out for me yet I didn’t know where it would lead.

    Having the opportunity to be a trainer for an international skincare company when I was 26 years old, I was always curious to why certain ingredients where used in skincare formulations.

    It was in 2001 I started reading and researching ingredients used in skincare, the benefits and what would maintain youthful skin. Being a single mum and working fulltime and not having much faith in myself, my research became became a hobby.

    One day a light bulb moment I thought “make it happen” you can do it.

    Working in Day Spas each day I witnessed how much money woman was spending on skincare to find that product that would give her YOUTHFUL skin & make her feel beautiful. Each day Woman from all ages entered the doors wanting treatments and products to make them feel great.

    The skin is the largest living organ and we need to ask ourselves are we feeding or killing our skin. For me it was all about the NATURAL ingredients and what was a woman feeding her skin.

    Make a cake, make a skincare product, just do it! I searched and found a company that used my formulations to make the first test batch of skincare. A few changes were made then in it was testing time on real people.

    January 2006 I asked a group of women to test the skincare products for 6 months, this gave me time to get the money together to do the first production run for launch January 2007.

    I remember that first day, pallets of products arrived at my rented place where the stock was stored in the garage.

    What a roller coaster of a ride, made money, spent too much money, labels lifted in production run, labels peel off weeks after arrival. It has been an interesting 10 years.

    Many a Woman would have said “To hard and give up” I am grateful that one of my personality traits is persistence.

    Let’s jump into 2017 and I am still here, sharing the love of natural/organic skincare, selling Door of Youth online. Have a warehouse now, sending products Australia wide. Loyal subscribers who have been using DOY skincare for 7+ years.

    My goals have always been high and want every woman to experience DOY skincare.

    Excited to jump into 2018, new enrich day cream & packaging. Launching Vitamin Serums range, AB / C and whitening. Anti-aging body range we are testing at present with the vision of launching mid-2018.

    I have a purple folder with all my notes, articles and first contracted signed for the first production run of skincare. One day it may become a book for many Woman out there that has a dream!

    Here are some pictures from where it all started in November 2006.

    Stock arrives, son and mate unpack, time to celebrate!

    First customer, happy smiles!                           First look of skincare, wow we have evolved.


    If you haven’t tried DOOR OF YOUTH SKINCARE, time to go shopping and welcome the products into your front door.

    DOY skincare now in 2017.


    Ciao for now

    Debbie Majella

  • Beauty & Wellness Clinic is OPEN at Emerald Lakes

    I have been working from my home at Varsity Lakes and felt it was time to return to a shop front.

    I started looking and looking and looking…..

    What is important for YOU my customers is FREE parking and central on the Gold Coast, as I have clients that have been visiting me for 7 + years from Brisbane to Tweed Heads.

    I did discovered some shops that just weren’t right, PAID parking, where north or south GC, and I wanted central GC.

    When I was out one day promoting Door of Youth Skincare “charcoal mask’ to beauty salons. I walked into a Hair Salon and meet the beauty therapist in the upstairs area of the salon. WOW I said to myself “I would love to have this space for Beauty & Wellness Clinic.

    Many weeks past and I was out at a networking lunch and had an idea! Contact the salon to offer my services one day a week. If you don’t ask you don’t get!

    When I contacted Angela it was great news the Cosmetic Tattoo Therapist had left and the area was available. The universe is always listening to your thoughts and words.

    I am now offering my Designer Women Services at Azzuar Belle Hair and Beauty at Emerald Lakes Town Centre, GC as of 26th September 2017.

    I specialise in Dermal Therapy Treatments (Microdermabrasion, Collagen Induction Therapy and known as  Skin Needling, Intense Pulsed Light/ IPL Skin Rejuvenation). 2018 will be introducing Wellness Program and “Reinvent Yourself” Women’s Program.


    Days and Times:

    Thursday 12 pm – 5 pm

    Wednesday/Friday 9 am – 4pm

    Saturday 9 am – 3pm

    Ciao for now

    Debbie Majella



  • The benefits of TURMERIC


    The Health Benefits of Turmeric.

    The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye. The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.


    Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:

    1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
    2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
    3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
    4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
    5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
    6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
    7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
    8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
    9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
    10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
    11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
    12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
    13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
    14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
    16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
    17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
    18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
    19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
    20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.


    How to add Turmeric to your daily meals. 

    Turmeric Dressing, sour cream, turmeric, chilli, garlic, mix together and pour over steamed veggies or salad.

    This winter when you are wanting a warm drink, lean towards a Power drink is Instant Miso Soup with ½ teaspoon of Turmeric.

     Turmeric you can add to your casseroles before you serve them.

    Make a homemade mayonnaise with avocado, greek yoghurt and turmeric.

    Potato mash and potato salad give it a lift and add turmeric.

    Turmeric in rice salads and salad dressing.

    Be creative and use turmeric every day in your meal plans.

    Stay Youthful and Healthy.


  • Bathroom products are they killing you?

    Natural Organic Skincare Verses Chemical Based Products

    I used 15 products just this morning and I didn’t even put on any make-up! By the time I showered, used my body wash, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner and face wash – I was absolutely covered with sweet smelling, germ-killing, skin-softening chemicals – four to be exact. And, really, that was just the beginning! I got out of the shower, wiped some toner across my face and put some cream over a sneaky zit that I could just tell was itching to escape.

    I slathered my legs with lotion, moisturized my face (SPF 15!), and de-frizzed my curls (that’s 3 products there!). I, then, wiped on my favourite deodorant, brushed my teeth, put on some chap stick and BAM! Just like that I was 15 cosmetics deep into my chemical-filled day!

    Women today are so confused when they go to buy skincare products. There is so many products available today at beauty salon, departments stores & online.

    What is best, the one advertised on TV by a well known celebrate or shopping centre X Brand or do we go Natural & Organic will it give RESULTS?? Are the products you use tested on animals (if you saw the pictures of trauma these animals go through you would STOP using those products) more information at end of blog.

    Our skin is the largest living organ of our body, do you want harsh TOXIC chemical products applied to your skin every day?

    Do you want these chemicals on your skin?

     Artificial Preservatives
     Parabens
     Sodium Laureth Sulfate
     Sodium Lauryl
     Propylene Gylcol
     Aluminum
     Animal Derived Ingredients
     Synthetic Colours
     Chemical Fragrances
     Petrochemicals

    Door of Youth Skin Care believes in Natural & Organic

     Aloe Vera – rejuvenates the skin cells up to 8 times
     Grapefruit Extracts – natural fragrance
     Vitamin A – reduces wrinkles
     Vitamin E – natural antioxidant
     Glycolic Acid – derived from sugar cane
     Lavender – healing & fragrance

    Is is TIME to Clean out your Bathroom throw out all those chemical toxic skin, body and hair care products.

  • Taylor has been a fan for 3 years and shares here why!

    Hi, I have been using Door of Youth Skincare for 3 years and love it. Natural, organic and vegan, I am 22 years old and my mum also used the product and she is 60 years young. Want an affordable skincare range with FREE Delivery to your front door? Then join me and become a fan!
