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  • Christmas ~ Prepare your food & list

    Have completed my 21 day challenge to a more youthful complexion, self esteem & lifestyle. Has been a few challenges along the way as hubby has been on work holidays, his way of eating is 50% healthy so was naughty a few times.

    The thing about changing a habit if we have a bad day, don’t beat yourselves up about it, next day back on track.

    RECIPES for CHRISTMAS & write your food list for the day. First thing of thought of this morning (it is 5.45am on Tuesday 27th November 2012) write my Christmas food list, the food that I will want to serve on Christmas day.

    FOOD LIST: Ham ~ Turkey ~ Pork ~ Lamb ~ Potato Bake ~ Bean Salad ~ Beetroot Salad ~ Carrot Salad ~ Green Salad ~ Rice Salad ~ Cheese platter ~ Fruit Platter ~ Cheese cake home made (hubby does the best will post recipe next monday) Now we have 10 people coming for Christmas lunch so will plan the amount of food needed

    Then I do the shopping list, I like fresh flowers so will be going to the Cararra Markets on the Sunday before for fresh Red Flowers for each table ~ sure you have the idea here. Hey any question comment below and will reply.

    1 X 250 Packet frozen spinach thawed
    60 gm Olive Oil
    1 x onion finely chopped
    1 x garlic glove
    1 x small red capsicum finely chopped
    1 x cup milk
    4 x eggs lightly beaten
    1 x 125 gm fetta chesse crumbled
    1 x 2 table spoon parmesan cheese
    1 x 1/4 cup basil
    salt & pepper to taste

    Lightly grease 23 cm flan dish
    Squeeze out excess moisture from spinach in paper towels.
    Heat Olive oil in pan ass onion, garlic & capsicum: cook until onion soft then add spinach cook 1 minute.
    In large bowl beat eggs, add cheeses, salt & pepper ( fetta cheese is salty so not to much salt) then add spinach etc and stir well. Add to grease dish or pan.
    Cook in 180 C for 30 minutes serve warm or cold with leafy greens & tomatoes.

    On TDOY facebook page, click on Join My List. We will be emailing a Beauty, Health & Self Esteem Newletter first Monday of each month to those who subscribe plus some FREE goodies & competitions.

    Got some beauty question? Ask below, comment & share this blog with your friends.

    Until next week ” we are what we concentrate on & what we concentrate on grows”


    Debbie Majella Nolan

  • Day 6 on 21 day challenge

    Here I am on day 6 and feeling great. I have noticed a BIG change in the tone of the skin on my body….what is so different to what I have done over the past 6 days to do this….

    A combination on a few changes I have made in my diet, self esteem program and most important…ATTITUDE to LIFE.

    Need a new direction of good habits in your life?? Come along on a 21 day journey to a youthful complexion, self esteem & healthy lifestyle.

    TAKES 21 DAYS TO FORM A HABIT……If I can do so can YOU!!

    The Youthful Queen 21 day Journey – Join now $210

    Want more information check out mentor page or call Debbie 0404 528 923

  • Day 4 on 21 day challenge

    Here I am on day 4 of my 21 day journey to a more youthful complexion, self esteem & lifestyle.

    Have been to Zumba this week.
    Each day have read a motivational book for 1 hour.
    Daily Reading of Affirmation & Goals.

    Have started writing my book…Yahoo

    Healthy eating:
    Warm lemon drink every morning
    Breakfast: Scramble eggs or Uncle Toby Oats
    Lunch: Salad with egg or tuna
    Dinner: Salad or vegs (last night small piece of grilled salmon)

    Feeling lighter and have lost 1.5 kilos in 4 days….OMG

    Want to take yourself on a 21 day journey??

    The Youthful Queen Journey is $210. Receive 21 day journal, daily email, healthy meal ideas, self development program, weekly inspirational email & TXT messages, videos plus weekly skype or phone chat for 30 minutes.

    Be empowered in 21 days with The Youthful Queen.

    Email [email protected] or CALL me NOW 0404528923

  • 21 day challenge

    Takes 21 days to form a HABIT. Starting my 21 day challenge today Monday 29th October.

    No white foods, sugar, alcohol, processed foods. I have been a little slack over the past month (hubby on holidays so his fault)
    Today is the start of 21 days to a healthy body & mind.

    1. Zumba 3 times a week
    2. Fresh fruit & veggies
    3. Power drink every day( will share my recipe on blog)
    4. Water – water – water
    5. Read a motivational book for 1 hour every day
    6. Spend 1 + hour a day writing my blog

    Will be posting more each day, until tomorrow have sweet dreams.

  • The Youthful Queen Journey

    Why did I develop a skincare range in 2006? Interesting question to ask myself this today in September 2012.

    With my 26 years working in the beauty profession seeing women spending lots of money on products that where chemical based and no results seen. I had to do something. Crazy to see a woman spends $100 on one product and a week after using no change in the skin.

    There was a need for natural & organic products that gave results & were affordable. So I stepped up and did it, why not I said to myself. April 2011 re launched The Door of Youth Skincare branded as TDOY skincare.

    I love TDOY a simple 3 step 3 minute skincare product to ladies from all walks of like & ages, at a price you can afford.

    So excited to be launching The Youthful Queen Mentoring Programs for women in October will be inspiring and uplifting, watch this space.

    For today here are the benefits of using TDOY skincare and 2 videos to view.

    Have a Beauty Question? Leave your comment and will reply ASAP.

    Have a Youthful Day


    The Benefits of TDOY Skincare

    Our products
    • All natural and organic ingredients
    • Smoothes and softens skin texture
    • Improves pigmentation
    • Diminishes fine lines and scar tissue
    • Brings a natural glow and even tone to the skin
    • Refines the appearance of pores
    • Softens and repairs acne-prone skin

    We offer a 30 day money back if no results seen within the 21 days

  • Spring is here

    How has your first week of spring been? I started Zumba on Monday and going 3 times a week, have to say on Wednesday was feel so tired after, made me realize I do need exercise & balance in my life. I am 52 years young OMG where have those years gone!! So I am going to be selfish and take 6 hours a week out of my schedule as a business woman & wife for Zumba, the classes are only 1 hour time to drive there and was invited to join some lovely ladies for a coffee after.

    When I was pregnant back in 1990 my mum and I would walk 3 times a week near the beach and sometimes a coffee after. As a single parent for 17 years, my first husband and I separated when Corbin was 5 months old. I remember back to then working and not doing any exercise as who would look after Corbin & not much money for gym. We did go to the beach on weekends swimming & having fun. Our favorite place was kingscliffe would pack lunch, buggie boards and go down to the calm waters (safer with a small child). When my son got older & able to stay home by himself my best friend Robyn and I would meet at Coolangatta for a power walk along the beach.

    Beautiful memories x

    Women we are always so busy putting everyone else first. I understand we do have to be there as a wife & mother and have responsibilities, but come on ladies it is time to smell the spring air.

    When was the last time you went for a walk on the beach with the dog (if you have one or come pick up one of my 3) or take the family have some fun, through a ball what every makes you happy.

    Our attitude changes from winter to spring, we feel fresh and spring clean the house, our bodies and mind.

    Question: What do you want to achieve for YOU in the months of spring?? Come share it with me.

    We are what we concentrate on and what we concentrate on grows. Same as we are what we eat, how have you been feeling this week and what fuel have you put into your mouth??

    My latest power drink. Miso soup with a tea spoon of fresh tumeric powder. Buy the miso soup in individual packet of 12 at a supermarket, Tumeric powder I got at fresh markets. A great pick me up the tumeric will assist in these areas

    Please leave a comment and share my blog with your friends.


    The Youthful Queen

    The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye.
    The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.
    Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
    1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
    2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
    3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
    4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
    5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
    6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
    7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
    8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
    9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
    10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
    11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
    12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
    13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
    14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
    16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
    17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
    18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
    19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
    20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

  • More time in your day.

    To Do List that you write the night before what is happening tomorrow. I find it helps to write down the hours from when you get up to going to bed. List everything for 21 days and then you will find it becomes a habit. Don’t say it will take to much time, just do it and see the results.

    When I was working for an international cosmetic company this is what they taught me the benefits of a To Do list. If you want more out of your day get up and hour earlier. Ask yourself how much time to you spend watching TV? Now I have my favourite TV shows and don’t talk to me while they are on. But really we do waste a lot of time sitting on the lounge; with laptops today we can do both. Sitting watching a TV program is not quality time with your family. Have a movie night once a week as the family with some home made popcorn that is fun.

    Who makes the kids beds? Today we have doonas, so easy for kids to make there beds. Teach them from an early age to make their beds.

    What is in the washing basket gets washed, if on the floor it stays there.
    Funny story my son when he was about 13 year old, when he had a shower would sometimes leave underwear on the floor. I noticed this one day and just left them there. One morning getting ready for school I hear “mum I don’t have any clean underwear” really I said check the washing basket. No it was empty” well I don’t know where they are you best find them” Well he looked everywhere and couldn’t find them. I was laughing on the inside “look in the bathroom “no there not there he said. “Have another good look & there they were behind the door” So a lesson learnt that day.
    Delegate to family members to assist in the kitchen. When I was a little girl we all had to help mum at dinner time. One of us would set the table for dinner, one clear the table after dinner, one wash up & other wipe up. Today we have dish washer so easy.

    Today there is my husband & me at home. I cook and he does the dishes most nights.

    Everything has a home and that is where it needs to be. So when you use an item when finished place it back where it belongs.

    Paper work handle it once, when you pay a bill file it. If you have a business and the mail comes in open it read it and file in correct place. Newspapers if you want to keep them have a basket they go in, if not in the bin once read.

    Lost your car keys lately?? Have a key holder so when you come in that is where the keys go.

    I could go on and on with little tips. Will leave you with this “It takes 21 days for form a habit” so start something you want to change on the 1st September and let me know how you feel after 21 days.

    Have a youthful day


  • Money Back Offer

  • Why I choose Natural & Organic over chemical ingredients

    Being in the Beauty Profession since I was 21 years old, I have used many different skincare products. It was in 2005 my awareness to the amount of chemicals & synthetic ingredients are in products that are market natural. Many of them say they are a mixture of nature and science or chemical free. They can be this but when one starts to read the ingredients you will discover that these ingredients you don’t want on your skin;

    Here is a list of chemicals that you don’t want in your skin care.

     Artificial Preservatives
     Parabens
     Sodium Laureth Sulfate
     Sodium Lauryl
     Propylene Gylcol
     The list goes on
     Aluminium
     Animal Derived Ingredients
     Colours
     Fragrances
     Petrochemicals

    This is what you want to have in your skin care;

     Aloe Vera – rejuvenates the skin cells up to 8 times
     Grapefruit Extracts – natural fragrance
     Vitamin A – reduces wrinkles
     Vitamin E – natural antioxidant
     AHA or Glycolic Acid – derived from sugar cane
     Lavender – healing & fragrance
     Zinc Oxide – healing of skin wounds & firming skin tone

    Each day the average woman can apply from 515++ chemicals to the skin. Can we get away from chemicals 100%, yes we can if we choose to buy 100% natural or organic skin care, body care, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant etc.

    In 2012 our lives are active and we just grab what is on the shelves and sometimes the natural & organic is more expensive.

    Since 2006 I have use The Door of Youth Skin Care 3 step 3 minute skincare & for 52 years young my skin looks great.

    Sunday Mail July 22 Body & Soul: From the Age of 40, all women should have at least one alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) product in their twice daily routine, as well as one that contains either Vitamin A & peptides.

    TDOY Natural & Organic skincare is one of these products.

    Until next time have a youthful day and if you have any questions on beauty without chemicals email me at [email protected]